Moon Rituals with Hypnosis

Moon Rituals with Hypnosis

Join me on a year-long celestial adventure with my Moon Rituals and The Art of Lunar Healing Mastermind, crafted to harmonize your energy with the lunar phases, fostering both personal and spiritual growth. Each ritual dives deep into the astrology of the moon phase, helping you set intentions and let go of limitations. These powerful ceremonies are designed to help you manifest your desires and transform your life through the power of the cosmos, all concluding with a unique session of "Affirmative Hypnotherapy."

New Moon Ritual:

Prepare to plant the seeds of your dreams during our two-hour sacred New Moon event. Held the day before each lunar occurrence via Zoom, this ceremony offers zodiac insights, hypnotic journaling, and a chance for communal sharing, all leading up to a hypnosis session that solidifies your intentions. Participants leave feeling energized, with clear purpose and vision to manifest their deepest desires.

Full Moon Ritual:

Experience the freeing power of our Full Moon Ritual Ceremony. This two-hour Zoom session is a perfect opportunity to release past burdens and realign with your highest goals. With astrology insights, reflective journaling, and a supportive sharing circle, the ceremony concludes with a group hypnosis session, leaving you feeling lighter and fully prepared to step into your future with a refreshed spirit.

Both of these bi-monthly rituals are included in the Art Of Lunar Healing membership. 

***Promotional Membership Sale will expire on October 31, 2024*** 

Monthly Membership

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Ready to start your journey to healing and personal growth? I'm here to guide and support you every step of the way. Contact me now to schedule your session and take the first step towards a better you.